Tagged: New York Yankees

Major League Baseball Playoff Preview Special!

On this week’s program I’m joined by Mr. Aaron Garcia of www.allsportstalk.net. Join us as we discuss the following topics;

The respective Game Five Series’ between the Saint Louis Cardinals/ Philadelphia Phillies and the Milwaukee Brewers/Arizona Diamonbacks.

We look at the Texas Rangers, New York Yankees and Detroit Tigers.

We discuss who will be the Cy Young and MVP of both leagues.

To listen to the show from the site please click the link provided below. To save this program to your portable listening device please right click the link below and select “save as”.




I Love Baseball!!

Except for about 8 years baseball has been a big part of my life. Those eight years were the first eight years I spent in Greece and a part from reading the box score I didn’t pay that close attention to it. If you can’t watch or listen or even have someone to talk baseball with you lose interest….

Last night, or should I say in the wee small hours of the morning, I listened to the Detroit Tigers and the New York Yankees game live on ESPN radio and realized a couple of things; what a great game baseball is and how much I really do love talking about the game of baseball.

I haven’t been that excited about the outcome of a sporting event in a long LONG time.

Growing up I loved two teams; The New York Mets and the Detroit Tigers. I’ve always been a Mets fan but told the Tigers to take a hike after the pizza guy (what was his name again) fired Ernie Harwell. Swore I would never root for those bums again.

You know what they say about never saying never don’t ya?

Flash forward to August of this year…. Continue reading

The Detroit Tigers New York Yankees 2011 ALDS Preview Show!

On this week’s program, I’m joined by Detroit sports writer Mr. Greg Eno and we are highlighting the 2011 ALDS series between the Detroit Tigers and the New York Yankees as well as our predictions in the other division series between the Tampa Bay Rays/Texas Rangers, the Arizona Diamondbacks.Milwaukee Brewers and the Philadelphia Phillies/St. Louis Cardinals.

To listen to the show from the site please click the link provided below. To save this program to your portable listening device please right click the link below and select “save as”.
